Susan Morgan Taylor, MA
Deepening Connection. Illuminating Love. Embodying Peace.

Priestess Magic:
Spiritual Healing Certification 
A Professional Certification Program
for Healers, Helpers, Coaches and Empaths

with Susan Morgan Taylor, MA

November 12th-16th 2024
Franklin, NC
Now Accepting Applications

Priestess Training 2023 Banner

Welcome, Intuitive Soul....

Priestess Magic: Spiritual Healing and  Intuitive Coaching Certification for Healers, Helpers, Coaches and Empaths 

You are an intuitive soul. You always have been. 

 And your sensitivity sometimes feels overwhelming to you.

The world can feel like a cruel place. 

You feel everything.  

  • You take it all in, and sometimes this is confusing to you, 
  • You can’t tell if you are feeling your own emotions or the emotions of others. 
  • Are those your thoughts or are you hearing the energy of other people’s thoughts?

You’ve always known you were a healer.  In fact, you are a natural guide, a natural teacher and helper. People seek you out for your advice, guidance, and wisdom all the time.

Problem is you don’t quite yet know what to do with this gift. You don’t know how to cultivate it.

You've thought about looking for a professional training or a spiritual healing or coaching certification program but  you're not sure where to find the right one or who exactly to go to for grounded guidance on the matter.  

And you can't ask your family because who would understand? After all they've always thought you were a little eccentric, that you were “trying too hard to be different”. 

But the thing they didn’t get was that you weren’t “trying” to be different. 

You just were different.

And if anything, you were trying too hard to “fit in”, to fit their mold, or their ideas of what they considered to be “normal” or “appropriate".

And though they considered themselves to be ”normal” you could see right through them.

You could always see right through most people in fact, able to discern what they needed, what they were feeling, and what they were thinking often before they even knew themselves.

Because of this you often felt like the black sheep of your family. 

Maybe you even went on into your adulthood trying to fit into roles that were expected of you and deemed more “appropriate or “acceptable” by society, so you tried to fit yourself into this mold of a job, career or even a relationship that you knew deep down has never quite fit.

  • The truth is you’ve been faking to make it long enough now.
  • You’ve been sitting on your gifts of healing and wisdom for far too long.
  • Deep down you know you’d like to cultivate a life and career of deep beauty and service using your innate natural gifts of intuition and wisdom.

If only you could find a training or spiritual healing certification program to help you get the courage to make the leap!

And if only there was someone who understands, someone who could show you how to get there and how to be successful "outside the box".  

Heeding the Call of Your Soul

Heeding the call of your soul is not necessarily an easy path.  And it is not meant to be. 

Most of us are conditioned against listening to our deeper soul desires.  We are conditioned to do what is practical, what makes “sense” or what our parents, peers and society will find “acceptable”.

Furthermore, we are taught to naturally doubt anything we cannot see hear feel touch or taste.   And if we don't buy into that narrative, we're told we are making it up, that we are crazy or “just imagining things”. 

But the truth is that the gateway to psychic and intuitive work is through the imagination! It is exactly this ability to play and “make things up” that opens the doorway to co-creating with the Divine.  

And contrary to many popular mainstream psycho-spiritual teachings, we do not have to “force the Universe” to give us what we want or try to manipulate reality to serve our agendas. 

Becoming a healer. spiritual guide, and intuitive—and one of the Divine Feminine sort-- is more about the art of surrender than it is about the skill of control.  

I See You. I Hear You. And I Can Show You How.

Susan Morgan Taylor. Creator of the Priestess Training Spiritual Healing Certification ProgramSusan Morgan Taylor, MA creator of the Way of the Priestess Divine Feminine Intuitive Life Coaching Certification

Receiving The Divine Feminine Path

I knew I wanted to be a healer since I was six years old.

After graduating from University in 1998 with a degree in the academic study of religion, I went to massage school and became a licensed massage therapist as a way to begin working in the field of the healing arts. 

But massage was not my life’s calling. So in  2008  I began to seek formal training and mentorship in alternative energy healing and the intuitive arts. 

Though I trained in and became certified in numerous healing "techniques" I owe most of my success to my friend and mentor Teresa Tingle who generously spent her time and energy teaching me, encouraging me and training me above and beyond what could ever be taught or learned in a class and I quickly  began working professionally as medical intuitive, healer, and intuitive coach.

Receiving the Divine Feminine Path

In the winter of 2012 I went for a hike in the woods up at my favorite hiking trail near my home in Austin, TX. As I sat down by the creek to spend a few moments in stillness and solitude I clearly received the message through an inner voice that said "You will teach on the Divine Feminine". 

At the time I honestly had no idea what this meant! But I felt the truth in what I was hearing.  And inwardly I exclaimed "Yes. Ok. I will teach on Divine Feminine. Show me how. Teach me and I will teach as you say."

Soon thereafter I received a direct initiation into the Order of St. Mary Magdalene and began receiving direct transmissions and intuitive guidance on leading and initiating others into the Divine Feminine path. 

My intuitive work also began to take on a life and direction of its own at this time. The work itself became my teacher which is truly the hallmark of the Divine Feminine path.

The Divine Feminine path is not fixed or dependent on dogma or "technique".  It's living and fluid, ever changing, ever expanding, always inspired and ever true to the moment.

And what I've come to learn is that doubt, fear and disbelief are the three biggest obstacles to our deeper freedom. They are also the three biggest obstacles to doing spiritual healing and intuitive coaching work. 

Doubt fear and disbelief are the gatekeepers of the Matrix;  we allow them to keep us under tight control and locked into the limitations and the confines of this 3-D illusion that we have all complacently agreed to call “reality”.

The deeper truth is that if we were to overcome our fear we would literally be seeing the truth of heaven on earth here and now.

Not in some distant far off place in the sky. And not in some distant time in the future when Jesus comes floating out of the clouds to save us. But literally here and now. 

The only pathway to realizing this truth in the world is by first walking the path to realize and know it within. 

It is literally a matter of HOW we see things, and not necessarily WHAT we see.  This is the fundamental skill of the Priestess—to learn to change the world by changing HOW she sees it.

How is the Priestess Magic Spiritual Healing and Intuitive Caoching Certification Different? 

Most traditional approaches to change, such as life coaching or mental health counseling, ignore the unseen energetic and spiritual influences that affect a person’s behavior. 

These approaches try to change the mind from the top down—by “attacking” limiting beliefs or by “thinking about the pros and cons” of an action in order to make a decision or create a change.

This is all well and fine however it is most definitely the more painful and difficult approach and its benefits and effectiveness are limited. This lack of results is the number one complaint most people have about mental health counseling and life coaching. 

It is also reason why so many people can stay in therapy for years or spend thousands of dollars on expensive life coaching without ever being able to realize real change in their lives. 

By only addressing the cognitive aspects, and ignoring the root cause of our problems and challenges-- which lie in the subconscious and the invisible realms of energy and spirit—we are left merely managing the effects of our lives.  Learning how to “cope” with our symptoms is the best we can hope for.

Th Priestess Magic: Spiritual Healing and Intuitive Coaching Certification program is different because it will show you how to go beyond the cognitive, beyond the material realms, and into the realms of the unseen and invisible realm of energy and emotion, the actual "root" of an issue.

You will understand how energetic and spiritual influences can affect a person’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors while learning how to easily address these root causes so that lasting behavior change and emotional healing is possible. 

Priestess Magic: Spiritual Healing and Intuitive Coaching Certification is about opening to Source, making space to invite Love into our body, mind, spirit, soul, and surrendering to this force of Love and Truth.

The Inward Path of the Priestess: Spiritual Healing Certification

The Path of the Priestess is ultimately and inward path.  A path of connecting deeply to the body and her wisdom and working actively with the shadow aspects of ourselves. 

As we learn to move through our fears, doubts, and lack of trust, we develop the skill of compassionately re-integrating those pieces back into love.  In so doing we gradually resolve the illusion of separation. 

We see that the world outside of us is not separate from the world inside of us. And that the world inside of us—and all the fragmented parts we have denied or rejected---are not separate from love and light—they too are part of God yet it is we who  have separated them from love.

It is only our mind which separates. 

The mind that cannot accept the paradox of light and dark as one and the same.

But the realm of the body, the subconscious, and in the realm of the deeper truth—all things co-exist simultaneously because they exist outside of time in place beyond the ego mind where time does not exists.

Unlike other life coaching certification or spiritual healing certification programs that require strict adherence to protocols and formulas, Priestess Magic: Spiritual Healing Certification is designed to give you a fundamental structure or baseline from which to work with the goal of allowing you to follow your own guidance and discover your own unique ways of working over time. 

This is the way of the Priestess.

What is a Priestess?

The High Priestess is a timeless feminine archetype of power and intuition.

She is the intermediary between the physical and spiritual realms, and gracefully navigates and facilitates communication between these two worlds. She is the pathway to the Divine and the conduit for receiving and disseminating Divine wisdom.

Think of an archetype as a pattern of energy, a pattern of consciousness, a pattern of behavior or a way of being in the world.  The archetype of the Priestess is just this—it is a way of being in the world.

Those who tend to naturally embody the Priestess Archetype are often:

  • In the Helping Profession:  coaches, healers, counselors, teachers, etc.
  • Highly Creative: dancers, artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, sales professionals or corporate business women.
  • Highly Sensitive: may get easily overwhelmed or experience bouts of anxiety, depression or self doubt.
  • Highly intuitive or Empathic: feel the feelings of others easily and may have difficulty discerning their own emotions from the emotions and thoughts of others.

The Priestess Magic: Spiritual Healing Certification is open to all, however if you recognized yourself in the list above you'll me most likely to resonate with this training!

What Does it Mean to Be a Priestess?

Okay let’s get this part out of the way right away: training to be a Priestess, has absolutely NOTHING to do with religion of ANY kind.

Though I do use some Judeo-Christian language and concepts in aspects of my work, please understand that the Priestess path as I teach it is not about promoting or trying to get you to adhere to any organized mainstream religions such as Christianity, Judaism, or Islam.

It also has nothing to do with the occult religions such as, Voodoo, Wicca, Paganism, or any other form of “Magik”!

Part of the path of the Priestess as I teach it is about healing the misconceptions and deep separation that mainstream patriarchal religions have inflicted on the collective.

And I do this in the Priestess Magic: Spiritual Healing Certification program through a deep "re-membering" of these misconstrued and misguided understandings by teaching them through a holistic and integrated perspective more accurately aligned with Truth.

Let's get down to the details! Read on to discover what's is in the Priestess Magic: Spiritual Healing and Intuitive Coaching Certification.

A testimonial from one of our graduates of Way of the Priestess Divine Feminine Life Coaching Certification program.

About the Spiritual Healing and Intuitive  Coaching Certification Professional Training

The Priestess Magic: Spiritual Healing and Intuitive Coaching Certification is a four month comprehensive training in the intuitive healing arts. 

This highly experiential and immersive program format is designed to give you the necessary foundation, guidance and support, so that you may begin your own professional spiritual healing or intuitive coaching practice upon completion. 

What You'll Learn

Susan Morgan Taylor, MA and the Way of the Priestess Divine Feminine Life Coaching Certification program for helpers, healers, coaches and empaths.

During this spiritual healing certification training you'll learn:

  • The Priestess Archetype: why it is important, how to develop it and how to use it in your life.
  • The Elevations of Consciousness: what they are and how to work with them.
  • The Access Meditations: Learn how to consciously access altered states easily and effortlessly.
  • The 3 Obstacles: Overcome the three biggest obstacles to doing effective intuitive work.
  •  Epigenetics: understand how your beliefs and emotions affect your health and create your reality.  Learn to energetically influence the morphogenetic field and why energy is more effective than a pill to resolve imbalances.
  •   The Physiology of Emotions: how emotions affect your physical health and why traumatic experiences get stuck in the body and how to resolve them.
  •   Intuitive Arts: learn how to communicate with angels, spirit guides, the higher self, clear a room, a person, or an object of negative energy. 
  •  How to do an intuitive reading:  Read the body, read past lives and resolve past life issues that may be affecting the present.  Learn to do future readings and understand the limitations of them.
  • The Art of Ritual: Learn a simple ritual you can use with yourself or your clients to help move them more quickly through an issue.  Learn the elements of a ritual and how to create your own rituals for any purpose.
  •  Altar building: the purpose of an altar and how to construct one.
  • Energetic Programming: Programing objects, rooms and Programming the light body.
  • Chakra Healing: learn how to intuitively work with the chakras to remove energetic and emotional blocks.

Taking it Deeper

  • Presence and Awareness: Mastering the art of "Being" and "Allowing" for effortless clearing of limiting beliefs and stuck emotions.
  • Relationship Clearing: remove old baggage, contracts or commitments that keeps you or your clients stuck in the past so you can move forward without guilt, fear, anxiety or constantly looking backwards.
  • Trauma Point Clearing Technique: How to re-pattern Specific Events in your past that are keeping you stuck or contributing to physical issues.
  • The Four Gifts of the Priestess
  • The Three Universal Fears
  • The Divine Mirrors: Introduction to the Five Spiritual Laws of Relationship
  • The Lost Mode of  Prayer: The hidden master key in all "healing" and manifesting.
  • The Art of the Intuitive Reading: mastering the unseen realms of energy and spirit.
  • Marketing your spiritual healing practice: how to talk about what you do in a way that people can understand!

The Core Foundation of
Spiritual Healing and Priestess Work:
Awakening The Four Gifts of the Priestess

Headshot)hand over sage

At the foundation of all intuitive and spiritual healing work is the necessity of cultivating and awakening the four fundamental gifts every Priestess must master. We all have the inherent capacity to consciously cultivate these four gifts through intentional practice and formal initiation on the Priestess path. The  Priestess Magic: Spiritual Healing and Intuitive Coaching Certification program will take you step by step through practices and processes to help you activate and awaken these four Gifts of the Priestess:

1. The Gift of Sight

The gift of sight is also referred to as clairvoyance.

We all have access to this gift and in fact you are probably already doing this without even realizing it.  It is very subtle and like any of the other gifts, the gift of sight can be learned and cultivated.

The gift of intuitive sight is one of the fundamental skills of the Priestess: to learn to see and interpret the unseen world of energy and spirit.

2. The Gift of Sensing

The gift of sensing begins to activate when we learn to connect with and our own body sensations and emotions. 

It awakens through our radical presence and awareness of what is happening in the internal flows of energy within us. 

Once we are confidently connected to our own bodies, present and aware-the Priestess gradually cultivates the skill of discernment to decode the meaning behind what she is sensing and identifies it as useful information for herself or another.

3. The Gift of Hearing

The gift of hearing is also called clairaudience, the ability to hear things beyond the normal range of hearing.  This gift also includes the ability to decipher and translate vibrations and “languages” of energy and light.

4. The Gift of Knowing

The Gift of Knowing is also referred to as the Prophetic sense.  This is the part of us that just “knows” things without that knowledge to have to come to us through one of our senses. It is direct, instant, and requires no interpretation. We just "know" what we know!

During the Priestess Magic: Spiritual Healing and Intuitive Coaching Certification program you'll learn how to activate each of these gifts within you as the key to effective intuitive readings and distance healing. 

Priestess Magic
Spiritual Healing and Intuitive Coaching Certification
Overview of the Program Roadmap

1. Foundations of Intuitive Healing  and Priestess Work

You'll begin by learning the basic structures that holds all Priestess work and practices in place.  You will understand what a Priestess is and how you are already accessing this archetype in your life.  Learn how Priestesses change their perception to change reality and be introduced to the two Priestess meditations used to help you activate your inherent skills of intuition and healing. 

Testimonial from a graduate of Way of the Priestess Divine Feminine Life Coaching certification program

2. Basic Intuitive Coaching and Priestess Skills

Once you have a basic understanding of the underlying structure of spiritual healing and Priestess work you are ready to begin implementing some new skills! You'll learn the fundamental technology of all healing work using an ancient and secret mode of prayer.  You'll learn how to do basic intuitive readings and other fundamental psychic work required to heal and help yourself and others.

3. The Art of the Reading

Up until this point you have learned all the pieces of what you will need to do an intuitive healing.  You have learned the structure and the technologies and been introduced to the myriad building blocks .  now you'll learn how to weave it all together and show you how to put it into an actionable "whole". It is here in Module 3 where you will begin to master the fundamental skill of intuitive coaching: the intuitive reading.

4. Priestess Magic

Ready to step into more magic? Learn to create and use rituals and altars for healing, manifestation, and virtually any purpose for both yourself and others.  Using the 6 elements of ritual you will learn how to incorporate rituals for moving on from past hurt, creating a new desired future, or manifesting dreams and goals.  Learn how to build an altar using the 3 elements of an altar and know how to set up your Priestess Temple (your healing space) for maximum success.

5. Energetic Programming and Understanding Energy as Medicine

Discover the scientific basis for how and why energy as medicine actually functions at the level of the cells and the DNA.  Cutting edge research in epigenetics and proof of the physical manifestation of emotions will help you understand how beliefs, emotions and electromagnetic energy all affect the health of the physical body and why energy is natures best medicine in the treatment of the root cause of dis-ease and imbalance.  Learn two techniques to clear and re-pattern old emotional patterns held in the body. 

6. Working with the Physical Body and Chakras

Understand how to work intuitively with the physical body. Explore the chakra system from an intuitive energetic viewpoint and learn how to clear and balance the chakras using the energy techniques from previous modules. We will also discuss working intuitively with epigenetic information encoded within the morphogenic field surrounding the physical DNA. 

7. Resolving The Three Universal Fears

There are essentially three fundamental fears that govern our experience of the world.  While we all have variations of each of these fears, most of us will primarily resonate with one more than the other two.

Most of us are living our lives completely unconscious about how these fears are operating in our lives. 

The path of waking up begins when we start to see how these fears are operating in our life and how we have made choices based upon these fears without even realizing it. 

It is only when we bring the fears into the light and illumination of awareness and consciousness that we begin to transcend them. It exactly these three fears that keep us in the illusion of separation and living in a world that is ruled by duality.

In the Priestess Magic: Spiritual Healing and Intuitive Coaching Certification program we'll learn about these fears and how they are always operating.

You'll learn how to work constructively with them so you can help yourself and your clients heal and awaken at a soul level. 

8. The Five Spiritual Laws of Relationship tm

The Divine Feminine path understands all of life as relationship. Relationship is the source of creation. Priestesses change reality by changing their relationship to it, to how they see and experience it.

The Three Universal Fears, when unconscious, lead us into separation.  The Five Spiritual Laws of Relationship tm are the tool that help us become conscious of hte fears so that we may resolve this separation and return to love. 

The Five Laws are universal Truths that show us how to understand the world as a reflection of what is within us rather than as something separate from us and then give us an opportunity to bring the shadow back into the light of love.

There are many layers to the Five Laws which offer us a different reflection of Truth. We'll learn about these and how to use them in a practical way to help yourself and your clients during the Priestess Magic: Spiritual Healing and Intuitive Coaching Certification program.

9. Living the Priestess Archetype

Every Priestess needs to understand the fundamental ethics and best practices of working as a modern day Priestess. Understand the basics of ethics and confidentiality, and the limitations of your role as a "spiritual healer" or "intuitive coach".  You will also learn about how to effectively market your services , how to talk about what you without sounding crazy and learn how to incorporate your intuitive coaching skills into another skill set such as a life coaching, counseling, or massage therapy practice.

Why Take the Priestess Magic: Spiritual Healing and Intuitive Coaching Certification?

Most people take the Priestess Training for the following reasons:

1. For personal development: You want to improve and transform your own life, resolve old emotional issues that are keeping you stuck, and learn to connect more deeply with your inherent capacities of intuition and healing.

2. For professional development: Maybe you are already a coach or healer or other helping professional and you want to be able to help your clients in a deeper way by addressing the energetic root cause of their issues. 

You want to get faster results that last and need some tools to be able to do that.  Or maybe you have always dreamed of becoming a healer or coach and have been looking for a program to train you and provide you with the right tools.  This training will provide that for you.

Whatever your reasons may be, the skills you will learn in the Priestess Magic: Spiritual Healing and Intuitive Coaching Certification Program will help you to:

  • Gain clarity by having a structural framework from which to do your intuitive work that makes sense and is easy to understand.
  • Add value to the work you may already be doing as a helping professional.
  • Charge more for your services and get results faster.
  • Become certified as a spiritual healer and intuitive coach and work professionally helping others.

The Priestess Magic Program IS For You If You Are:

  • In the helping profession and want to learn how to help your clients at a deeper level and be more effective in your work.
  • Want to work professionally as an intuitive healer, coach, or helping professional but need a framework and some formal training to get started.
  • An entrepreneur or business owner who wants to learn how to work magically with your business and your clients. 
  •  Are in a traditional job role but want  to overcome your fears and go "outside the box" by finally cultivating your gifts of intuition and healing.
  • Longing to make a living doing work you love while helping others.

This Program is Probably NOT for You If:

  • You are afraid of or turned off by the "Woo" in "Woo-woo".  (Yeah, we are going to go there but I have a talent for making it all seem quite normal!)
  • You are committed to a religious dogma and are judgmental or suspicious of any teachings outside of what your religion tells. you is "right"   
  • You are offended by the use of the words like God, Universe. Source, or Divine or some of the Judeo-Christian concepts or terminology (this training is NOT religious AT ALL, though I do use some of Judeo-Christian terminologies in a new way to help illustrate the teachings.)
  • You're unwilling to put in the time, effort, and energy to build new skills and/or are unable to participate in the live trainings. 

How it Works

  • Core training: One 5 day in person retreat in the Appalachian mountains of Western North Carolina near Franklin, NC.  Closet airport is Asheville. 
  • Retreat dates: Our next retreat dates are November 12-16th 2024
  • Post-training support: 6 live monthly group coaching calls. Call time and day will be determined based on the needs of the group. 

Certification Program Tuition and Deposit

Program Tuition: Six Payments of $1950 or a single payment of $10,000.

Deposit: $500 deposit due to guarantee your spot. Space is limited to 10 participants. 

How to Participate

To attend this training please complete the application below. Once we receive and review your application we will contact you to setup your intake call and complete your enrollment. 

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Do I Start?

For questions about my offerings please Contact Me here.